735 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara, CA, 93101, US
If you have questions or issues regarding the completion of this application, please contact SBCEPrograms@SantaBarbaraCA.gov.
Applicant Name
SBCE Account Numbers
Mailing Address
Is your physical address the same as your mailing address?
Physical Address
Are you applying for an income-qualified rebate?
How are you verifying your eligibility?
Form 1040 or 1099
Social Security letter/notice
Which rebate are you applying for? (select one)
Which type of water heater are you replacing?
Who will be performing the installation/work?
Please Note: Copies of purchase receipts and related installation materials will be required when submitting rebate claim for self installation.
Documentation of equipment to be purchased/installed. (Screen shot of manufacturer make/model, spec sheet, etc.)
Contractor Estimate for work to be done.
Rebate Reservation Receipt Number
How did you hear about this SBCE Program? (Please check all that apply)
Are you Interested in helping others benefit from SBCE Energy Programs? (Please check all that apply)
When submitting this application, you acknowledge and agree to the Program Guidelines and Terms & Conditions.
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