Disconnected Downspout Incentive
In order to reduce storm water runoff and reduce irrigation water use, the Disconnected Downspout Incentive requires disconnecting gutter downspout(s) that currently direct rainwater via drain lines to the street or onto impervious paved surfaces and redirecting the rainwater to landscaped areas.
In order to capture storm water runoff and reduce irrigation water use, the purchase of rain barrels, between 50-200 gallons in size, and installed at downspouts to capture rainwater, can be reimbursed up to $200 per barrel.
In order to reduce storm water runoff and reduce irrigation water use, the Rain Garden incentive, requires the installation of a 20 square feet or larger, shallow depressions (minimum of 4” deep and maximum of 18” deep), located at least 15 feet from structures and property lines, to capture and infiltrate rainwater.
Removed Hardscape Incentive
In order to reduce storm water runoff and reliance on irrigation/water, the Removed Hardscape incentive requires the removal of 20 square feet or more of existing impermeable hardscape.
These are stacked incentives with a combined storm water rebate maximum of $3000
*There are additional stacked incentives available through the Water Conservation Program see SantaBarbaraCA.gov/Rebates for the full list of available rebates.