This liability waiver, release, and assumption of risk agreement (hereinafter “Liability Waiver”) is intended to protect the City of Santa Barbara from lawsuits arising from its Sustainability & Resilience Events and Programs. It is an important document that affects the legal rights of participants in City Programs or Activities.
1. WAIVER OF RIGHT TO SUE. Participant waives the right and agrees not to sue the City of Santa Barbara for any injury, illness, or death arising from Participant’s participation in the Program regardless whether caused by any negligent act or omission of the City.
2. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS. Participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless City from claims or damages for any third party injury, illness, or death arising from Participant’s participation in the Program, except those arising from a negligent act or omission of the City.
3. VOLUNTARY ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK. Participant is fully informed about the Program and its activities voluntarily agrees to assume the risk of injury, illness, or death of Participant, or damage or loss of Participant’s property arising from Participant’s participation in the Program.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND EXECUTION. By signing below, Participant agrees to all of the terms of the Liability Waiver and that there are no other agreements modifying or limiting its terms.